supporting agencies & collaborators
The National Science Foundation
Advancing discovery, innovation and education beyond the frontiers of current knowledge, and empowering future generations in science and engineering. The four interrelated goals-Discovery, Learning, Research Infrastructure and Stewardship-adopted by the National Science Foundation establish an integrated strategy to deliver new knowledge at the frontiers, meet vital national needs and work to achieve the NSF vision.
Jump Trading Simulation & Education Center
Jump Trading Simulation & Education Center (Jump) is an incubator where collaboration and innovation lead the transformation of health care worldwide. Jump programs and objectives are key to improving the safety, effectiveness, and efficiency of care for community members across the region. Their Vision is to improve outcomes and lower health care costs through innovative simulation training of medical professionals.
Team Results is an organizational productivity improvement company that uses 21st -century ideas proven in the modern business and government workplace.
Team Results USA will help The Learning Chameleon further develop its world-leading method for tracking what human brains really do when their owners are being productive at work, what happens when people are not productive, and how to move from one state to the other.
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Warfighters Must master a diverse set of physical and mental skills, often in a very compressed period. Measures of learning in this military environment often rely on qualitative and subjective assessment, with little opportunity to correct or redirect learning in midcourse. Recent discoveries in neuroscience, modeling, and analysis techniques laid the foundation for neuroscience-based noninvasive strategies with potential to dramatically accelerate transition from novice to expert in key military tasks. The Accelerated Learning program developed quantitative and integrative neuroscience-based approaches for measuring, tracking, and accelerating skill acquisition while producing a twofold increase in an individual's progress through the stages of task learning. Accelerated Learning will identify the neural basis of expert performance by integrating behavioral data with neurophysiological measures to track the progression of novices on the training path to expertise.
OSF HealthCare
An integrated health system owned and operated by The Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis, Peoria, Illinois, includes OSF Healthcare System consisting of 13 acute care facilities and two colleges of nursing. The array of health services provided by OSF HealthCare and its affiliates also includes approximately 42 hospital-based outpatient facilities, approximately 108 physician office practices in 79 separate locations, six home health agencies and five hospice programs. The Ministry Services office in Peoria, Illinois, provides corporate management services as well as direction, consultation and assistance to the administration of the health care facilities.
Georgia Tech
The School of Psychology at the Georgia Institute of Technology places strong emphasis on scientific research and discovery. Housed in the beautifully renovated J. S. Coon Building, a historical landmark in the center of campus, the School is a member of the College of Sciences. Faculty, graduate and undergraduate students alike engage in an array of wide-ranging topics related to the field of psychology. The School categorizes this research into five program areas: cognition and brain science, cognitive aging, engineering psychology, industrial/organizational psychology, and quantitative psychology.
The Learning Chameleon and Dr. Jamie Gorman from the engineering psychology department have been working together to link communication with Team Neurodynamics and have published several peer reviewed manuscripts of their findings.
The Submarine Learning Center
The Submarine Learning Center's primary function is to create, coordinate and execute the future training and education vision for the Submarine Force.
The Submarine Learning Center is accountable for all undersea curriculums, training delivery methodologies, and for developing and maintaining professional development continuums for all undersea warfare officers and ratings to include Electronics Technician (communications and navigation), Fire Control Technician, Sonar Technician, Machinist's Mate (auxiliary and weapons), Missile Technician, and all nuclear training ratings.
Cognionics, Inc. was founded in 2010 and is dedicated to building innovative wireless physiological monitoring systems that can achieve high mobility without sacrificing signal quality to enable real-world applications. Some of highlights and accomplishments include: •Designing the first flexible dry electrode (2012) •Building the highest density dry EEG system, HD-72 (2013) •Building the highest density wireless EEG cap, Mobile-72 (2014) •Building the world's first precision wireless EEG/ERP marker system (2014) •Building the lightest and fastest dry EEG headset, Quick-20 (2015) •Obtaining patent grants and patent applications covering our sensors, mechanics and electronics •Signing multiple licensing agreements to bring our sensors to the market in partner products •Establishing a world-wide user base of academic and commercial research laboratories